The document states that, in order to ensure the smooth transportation of essential goods, workers and professionals of enterprises, the Ministry of Transport provides the following instructions:
- Case 1:
+ If vehicles carrying essential goods, works and professionals of enterprises are issued with Vehicle Identification Certificates (including QRCode) that remain valid;
+ And drivers of these vehicles are granted certificates of negative SARS-COV-2 test that remain valid (within 72 hours from the effective date of test results).
Law enforcement forces on duty at road security points will not be allowed to stop them from moving through.
- Case 2:
+ If vehicles carrying essential goods, works and professionals of enterprises are not yet issued with Vehicle Identification Certificates (including QRCode);
+ And drivers of these vehicles are granted certificates of negative SARS-COV-2 test that remain valid (within 72 hours from the effective date of test results).
Law enforcement forces on duty at road security points will allow them to pass after verifying their certificates of negative SARS-COV-2 test results.
For more details, please refer to the Official Dispatch No. 7630/BGTVT-VT dated July 27, 2021.