The Circular sets out several new regulations contained in QCVN 01:2020/BCT, specifically including:
- Fire safety equipment:
At gas stations, fire safety rules and regulations boards, fire emergency response codes or guides boards, fire prevention signs and mobile phone prohibition signs must be installed at visible places.
(Unlike current regulations, the upcoming regulations prescribe that fire safety rules and regulations, fire emergency response codes or guides, fire prevention signs and mobile phone prohibition signs must be displayed at conspicuous positions within gas stations.
- Petrol filling posts must be installed on plinths or raised platforms.
Plinth must be designed properly and must be built at a minimum elevation of 0.15m from the ground level of a parking lot. (Current regulations prescribe the minimum elevation of 0.2m).
- General design requirements for petrol filling stations will be supplemented with the followings:
+ Other amenities provided by gas stations must be built to meet traffic safety, construction, environmental hygiene, fire fighting and prevention requirements prescribed by applicable laws.
+ Electronic payment devices are allowed outside of danger areas or have to be explosion-proof.
Circular No. 15/2020/TT-BCT is entering into force on January 1, 2021.