Citizens to be eligible for laissez-passers include:
- At Vietnam – Cambodia border areas, laissez-passers are granted to:
Public officials, servants, employees and workers working of entities and enterprises at provinces sharing the same border lines with Cambodia who are sent to the opposite side of the border to enter Cambodia for official or business purposes.
- At Vietnam – Laos border areas, laissez-passers are granted to:
+ Vietnamese citizens registering their permanent residence at provinces sharing the same border line with Laos;
+ Vietnamese citizens not registering their permanent residence at provinces sharing the same border line with Laos, but working for entities or enterprises at provinces sharing the same border lines with Laos.
- At Vietnam – China border areas, laissez-passers are granted to:
+ Vietnamese citizens permanently residing at communes, wards or townlets adjacent to the border line between Vietnam – China;
+ Public officials and civil servants of state authorities with their offices at districts, townships and cities of provinces of Vietnam adjacent to Vietnam – China border line who are sent to the opposite side of the border for official or business purposes.
Decree No. 76/2020/ND-CP is taking effect on July 1, 2020.