Field of transportation:
From December 25, tourists will be allowed to take motor vehicles from abroad to participate in traffic in Vietnam for tourism purpose once approved by the Ministry of Transport. The permission will be done through international travel businesses of Vietnam as stipulated in Decree No. 152/2013/ND-CP.
The time for vehicle circulation in Vietnam will not exceed 30 days. In unforeseen circumstances, the vehicles may stay in a period of no more than 10 days.
Conditions for vehicles and drivers, order and procedures for approval are specified in this Decree.
Field of Labor - Wage
From December 28, under the Joint Circular No. 31/2013/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BTC laborers working in Korea subject to the loan at the Vietnam Bank for Social Policy will loan up to 100 million dong to leave a deposit without collateral.
The loan term is up to 5 years and 4 months, which is equal to the deposit term of the laborers.
The laborers shall leave a deposit within 35 days after the date of contract signing for working in Korea with the oversea worker Center
From December 31, the Decree No. 182/2013/ND-CP on the regional minimum wage for businesses will begin to take effect. Thus, the wage level in 04 regions will be changed as follows:
- Region I : 2,700,000 dong/month
- Region II: 2,400,000 dong/month
- Region III: 2,100,000 dong/month
- Region IV: 1,900,000 dong/month
Field of administrative violation:
The following documents on sanction of administrative violation will be officially applied:
Decree No. 157/2013/ND-CP regulating the sanction of administrative violation on management, development, protection of forest and management of forest products (to be applied from December 25);
Decree No. 163/2013/ND-CP regulating the sanction of administrative violation in the field of chemical, fertilizer and industrial explosives (to be applied from December 31);
Decree No. 167/2013/ND-CP regulating the sanction of administrative violation in the field of security, order, social safety, prevention and fighting of social evils; fire prevention and fighting and prevention of domestic violence (to be applied from December 28);
Decree No.176/2013/ND-CP regulating the sanction of administrative violation in the field of health (to be applied from December 31);
Decree No. 178/2013/ND-CP regulating the sanction of administrative violation of food safety (to be applied from December 31);
Decree No. 179/2013/ND-CP regulating the sanction of administrative violation in the field of environmental protection (to be applied from December 30);
Field of administrative apparatus
From December 24, the People’s police trainees (granted with costs of living) will be entitled to participate in social insurance like non-commissioned officers and People's Police soldiers
Decree No. 153/2013/ND-CP amending a number of contents on compulsory social insurance for servicemen, People’s police and people working in the field of cipher; guiding to determine the pension level of these subjects upon being transferred to work as regular staff at other State agencies and organizations before retiring.
Criminal field
From December 21, the compensation in execution of criminal judgments will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Joint Circular No. 11/2013/TTLT-BCA-BQP-BTP-VKSNDTC-TANDTC.
The grounds to determine damage for compensation: damage due to infringed property; actual income lost or reduced; damage due to mental loss; physical loss due to the sufferer’s death or health damage;
The Circular also guides in detail the procedures for settlement of compensation.
From December 25, the Decree No. 01/2013/NQ-HDTP guiding the application of imprisonment but suspended sentence instead will take effect.
As guided in this Resolution, the corruption crime as well as other crimes condemned by society will not be entitled to suspended sentence but only reduced to the adjacent penalty if there are mitigating circumstances.
Import-export field
From December 26, the registration of food safety for exported fishery products shall comply with the provisions of Circular No. 48/2013/TT-BNNPTNT
Dossier for registration of certification of food safety under the new regulations must include the list of facility owner and persons directly producing food, issued with certificate of eligibility for health and trained with knowledge of food safety.
This Circular also regulates the examination and issue of certificate for exported fishery products.