Subject to this Decision, when establishing a justice sector entity, certain requirements mentioned below have been abolished:
- In case of establishment of a law-practicing entity
The requirement concerning at least 02 successive years' experience in practicing law under an employment contract with a law-practicing entity, or in individually practicing law under an employment contract with another entity or organization as stipulated in the Law on Lawyers, has been eliminated.
- In case of establishment of a foreign law-practicing entity
In order to be eligible for becoming the Head of a law branch or the Director of a law company, he/she is not legally bound to gain 02 successive years’ experience in practicing as a lawyer.
- In case of establishment of a private notary public office
The legally-binding requirement prescribing that a private notary public office must be established in accordance with the Law on Notary Public Services and the Law on Planning has been repealed.
For more details, please read the Decision No. 1319/QD-BTP that has entered into force since the signature date.