Pursuant to this Decree, in addition to the compulsory contents of product labels as specified in Article 10), entities or individuals held responsible for their products will be entitled to show other contents on their product labels as required by Article 18.
In particular, display of images or contents relating to the followings on product labels will be prohibited, including:
- Sovereignty disputes;
- Other sensitive issues that may cause any adverse impact on national security, politics, economy, society, diplomatic relations and traditional customs or values of Vietnam.
In addition, the Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP will prescribe the transitional provisions as follows:
- If commodities of which labels meet regulations laid down in the Decree No. 89/2006/ND-CP have been manufactured, imported, available for free sale and consumption before June 1, 2017, sale and consumption of these commodities will continue till their expiry dates.
- If product labels or commercial packages with product labels satisfying requirements set out in the Decree No.89 have been designed and printed prior to June 1, 2017, continued use thereof will be allowed but the duration of such use will not exceed 02 years from June 1, 2017.