Quý Nguyễn
Following the introduction of prominent regulations in force as of August 01, 2016, THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT introduces prominent regulations taking effect from the 02nd to 10th of August 2016.
1. Safeguard tax levied officially on imported steel billet and steel bar
On July 18, 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Trade promulgated the Decision No. 2968/QD-BCT on the imposition of safeguard tax.
Imported billets and bars of alloy and non-alloy steel shall officially incur the safeguard tax as follows:
- The duration of the tax shall be 04 years upon the effect of the Decision No. 862/QD-BCT on the imposition of temporary safeguard tax (dated March 22, 2016).
- The safeguard tax applies to all countries and territories, except:
+ Developing and underdeveloped countries that export less than 3% of total imports into Vietnam;
+ Total imports of such countries and territories do not exceed 9% of total imports of Vietnam.
The details of the safeguard tax procedure are available in the Decision No. 2968/QD-BCT (dated August 02, 2016).
2. New guideline for registration of land use right mortgages
Joint Circular No. 09/2016/TTLT-BTP-BTNMT in effect as of August 08, 2016, provides guidelines for the registration of mortgages of land use right and property attached to land.
Prominent details are:
- Regulations on mortgaging of land use right and property attached to land, which include the registration of mortgages of assets as a guarantee for mortgagors' or other entities’ fulfillment of duties.
- Land registration offices cannot modify any details of a mortgage contract if errors detected do not accord with Section 1, Article 9 of this Circular.
- Clear distinction between the registration of mortgages off-plan property attached to land and of mortgages of existing yet certified property attached to land.
- Addition of 02 methods of registration of land use right mortgages: via online registration or delivery-guaranteed mail.
3. Duration of audits by the State Audit Office
Decision No. 01/2016/QD-KTNN , in effect as of August 04, 2016, defines the organization and operation of the State Audit Office.
The duration of an audit shall be 60 days upon the announcement of the audit decision, except:
- Complicated audits, which the State Auditor General can authorize an extension of at most 30 days.
- Audits that assess the economic situations and effect in the use of public finances and assets on nation-wide scale in 02 or more provinces.
- An audit that contain interwoven contents of various audits.
Moreover, the Decision defines individuals not assigned to an Inspectorate.
4. New regulation on immigration and residence in border gate economic zones
Joint Circular No. 03/2016/TTLT-BCA-BQP (in effect as of August 08, 2016) provides guidelines for the immigration and residence of foreigners in border gate economic zones.
Foreigners entering border gate economic zones must:
- Possess one of these entry papers:
+ Passport or papers valid for international travel, which do not expire in fewer than 06 months;
+ Valid border pass or other valid papers, which do not expire in fewer than 45 days, as per the law and in conformity to international agreements between Vietnam and neighbor countries.
- Stay in no more than 15 days after entry.
- If such foreigners intend to travel to other areas of Vietnam, they must use services of Vietnamese international travel companies to apply for a visa from an Immigration Administration Office or provincial Police Department in the border gate economic zone.